Here's a brain twister for you.
I've developed a custom module that loads different ascx forms at runtime. The ascx forms can be located anywhere, it doesn't care. The ascx forms it loads are not listed in the dnn module definitions screen since they are only pages with their own dll but still only pages.
The module works fine when you are logged in as a site administrator, host or registered user.
But if you are an unauthorized user, the ascx form load doesn't happen. The 'outer' ascx loads fine, but the'inner' ascx, that is the user control being loaded by the outer ascx, does not load. No errors, just does not appear. I looked at the html source and there's nothing in the panel where it is normally loaded.
Another indication of what's going on is the View, Edit and Design buttons in the host menu. If you have Edit pressed, the loaded ascx shows up as normal. If you press View or Design, it does not.
I went into the module definiton os the host control (the 'outer' user control) and it's set to View rights, with no Key defined.
I changed that to Annoymous and the 'inner' control still does not load when you are not logged in.
Anybody have any ideas on how to overcome this limitation?
If so I thank you in advace.