I hadn't visited DNN web site in for a while, and was glad to find that DNN 5.0 had been launched.
However, I must be missing something, because I could not find any article or data explaining the differences between 4.x and 5.x, nor the advantages, new or missing features or modules either, etc.
I must say that I did not read the downloadable documentation, but I expected a grand launch anouncementet, with fireworks and all!... and I found barely five lines commentnig on 5.x instead (in the download section)...
I need to decide whether I should stick to 4.x for now or jump to 5.x, and for that I need to know the advangaes, differences, and most of all, a feature/module comparison. Also know how compatible 5.x is regarding the "official" DNN existing modules, and the 3rd party (commercial or free) modules compatibility, too.
Where can I find that info? any newsletter or web press publication? a forum thread? where's the 5.x (or its modules) project pages?
Thanks in advance!
PS: btw, has the forum mail notification been fixed, or should I come to the forum to check for answers?