Hi Guys,
As you can easily see by my post count, I'm a new member.
I'm looking to develop this website: www.dimension31.com.
I'm having some basic issues as I don't come from a computer oriented background.
Anyway, I'd like to get users thoughts on forumboards. Is there a good DNN forum?
Most of the forums I've always posted on are written in PHP and seem to appear a lot more dynamic than what most of the DNN boards are. What are users thoughts on simply linking my dnn site to a php board. Or alternately, do you have good recommendations for a DNN forum board?
Feel free to take a look at my site, needs a lot of work- even still have to skin a news module that I don't know how to do!?!
If you have any suggestions at all, just drop me a line: classicgangster@live.com.au
Thanks for your help guys.