DNN uses it own (limited) way of dealing with static localization. Refer to the module localization guide for more info on how to implement module localization.
The standard asp.net 2.0 localization features, including the localization expressions <%$ Resources:... %>, do not work because DNN removes the build provider for .resx files in the web.config:
<remove extension=".resx" />
You can uncomment this line, and your expression will work (proper syntax would probably be <%$ Resources:NextPageText) %>, not <%$ Resources:NextPageText %> -- trailing parenthesis...). But, you will encounter errors after this, since some DNN resx files are not compatible with the asp.net resx format.
You can use Brandon Hayes' resx build provider which will enable your installation to work with DNN localization and asp.net 2.0 localization. http://www.codeplex.com/DNNLocalization Note however that this requires an installation with full trust permissions, so that may not deal well in shared hosting environments.
I am not aware if this has changed in DNN 5.