I can link to the Login ok with the URL provided,
however when I click register below the login box it tries to access the following URL which has a blank space in it. As the Login page is part of the framework I just need to know where i should change the URL, is it in the Javascript, is it in the DLL's do i have to modify the code, or should i find the Page Control and modify it there. When the user clicks the "Register" link from this page > http://r8yourpolitician.co.uk/?ctl=Login the javascript below is executed.
anyone tell me how i can replace the URL below with the same URL without the space in it.
http://r8yourpolitician.co.uk/Home/tabid/36/ctl/Register/returnurl/ /Default.aspx (URL with blank space in it )
http://r8yourpolitician.co.uk/Home/tabid/36/ctl/Register/returnurl/Default.aspx ( Correct URL)