XDShareMeTM is my modification of XDShareMe skin (orginally created by Nina Meiers).
My website's layout (IT.tmod.pl) is XDShareMeTM, look on my website layout for details.
If you like my layot you can use this skin for free.
XDShareMeTM skin is as is, no any warranties.
All credits & rights goes to Nina Meier.
Download page : http://it.tmod.pl/Projects/DNN/XDShareMeTM.aspx
Changes (briefly) :
- left & right margins
- 'Footer' (with Terms of use, Privace statement) removed
- BreadCrumb moved to left & changed layout, today's date removed
- Many small changes in layout, fonts, colors, as you see on my site, all in skin.css
- Sixxac Menu (left menu) is used, css definitions for this menu are in skin.css
- Blog (DNN core) layout 'fixed' & modified - it was broken in 5.0 skins
- ........
Skin should work on DNN 4.* and 5.*, but it's not in 5.0 skin format.