Your defiantly not alone... I've faced this same problem, I'm using EALO HTML module for now...
Its free, it works ok in 5.2... but to be honest I think the best HTML module around is Oliver Hine's module, I've send some feedback about a possible localization it seems it is indeed something that he could had in the future... If he does I'm not waiting for any HTML Core changes...
I think DNN community is moving very slow in what matter to localization, I don't really understand why since there's so many people using ML portals, so many forum posts/topics about the same thing...
Another thing is the dynamic registration, I mean the core doesn't even let you add a Picture to your profile? ... When compared to other CMS's DNN sucks in that... sorry but its my honest opinion!
Of course we have 3rd party options... expensive options... I fact I thing the most common thing I read in this forum is "there's a 3rd party payed module..."
I hope that in 2010 this two projects change a lot because IMHO this could really bring more people to DNN Community, but I was not very happy to read the "same as last 5 years" comment... A few months ago I also really considering moving to another CMS... I didn't, when I read comments like this It makes me thing I've made a bad decision!
I would really like to see a reply from the team to that comment.... really 5 years? :|