I'm using 5.0.1 and I am slightly confused about printing in this new version. I'm using an unmodified 5.0.1 install, modifying the Home page. I enable Allow Print in one of the HTML/Text modules. When I click Print, the popup appears with the module content.
Now, the page skin and module skin css files are included in the page to be printed. This is new in 5.0 I assume, as in earlier versions only default.css and portal.css were included. This is a welcome enhancement.
For regular (non-print) mode, these css files are included in 5.0.1:
For printing, I would expect the same to be included, except skin.css is NOT included.
I am basically looking for confirmation that this is working as intended. Or, skin.css should be included, or none of the skin/container css files should be included.