I must be missing something here, I have downloaded the new version of the Gallery module and still have the same problems. I understand that by installing the new version it should overwrite the old and fix the download problem. Well some bad news, it doesn't.
I have tried just about everything:
I have cretaed a new Role and given it Read on the module. I have enabled Download on the Gallery Module and put the new role in there, still unable to download images. so:
I assigned the new role Read/Edit on the Module, this gave the role too many rights but did allow me to download.
I created a new Gallery on a fresh module window and repeated the above steps with the same results.
Finally I made the gallery private and put the gallery owner as the admin account. Again I tried giving the new role Read and then Read/Write but still was not able to download images.
Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong as I am at my whits end here 