I have developed a module for a client - this is a basic module with two view controls.
To move from the main view control to the second view control, I use an asp:HyperLink control. In the page load event, I have this code:
Me.lnkArchives.NavigateUrl = Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Me.TabId, "RatesHistory", "mid=" + Me.ModuleId.ToString())
The link works fine on localhost - and on a staging portal I have set-up in a shared hosting environment. The link has the correct URL - and when clicked, the control with the key RatesHistory is loaded.
However, I just uploaded the latest version of my module to my client's server. The link text appears on the page - but a hyperlink has not been generated. (i.e. when I hover over the link - it is just text - there is no hyperlink).
Does anyone have any idea what may be happening? I've never seen this before...
Viewing the source on the instance of the module on localhost and shared hosting, I can see the correct hyperlink:
<a id="dnn_ctr621_View_lnkArchives" href="http://mysite.com/site008achieva/Admin/RatesNewsletter/tabid/252/ctl/RatesHistory/mid/621/Default.aspx"> View Rates E-Mail History</a>
However, on my client's server, the hyperlink is rendering as:
<a id="dnn_ctr496_View_lnkArchives">View Rates E-Mail History</a>
There is ho href attribute...