So I finally found a post on here telling me that, if I wanted a stylesheet specific to a module, I had to name the .css file "Module.css"... and that works fine for stuff like sizing and background colors. But I'm trying to create a border around a table using background images, and that doesn't seem to work.
My setup is is:
DesktopModules\[SubFolderName]\[ModuleName].ascx / .cs
Typically css files will resolve URL's relative to the location of the .css file, but that doesn't seem to be the case here...
I *should* be able to, in the .css file, reference "background-image:url('images/[image].gif');"
but I guess that dnn is doing something messed up with the .css file, and so it does not resolve those URL's relative to the physical path of the stylesheet.
Can anyone help me out, please? Do I have to store the images outside of the Module folder? Or do I have to use the absolute path of the images? (http:\\[SITE]\DesktopModules\[SubFolderName]\images\[image].gif) That seems... foolish... :-/
As usual, any ideas at all are much appreciated. Thank you...