I originally posted this in the Forums threads since it had to do with the Forums data. But, I was told it should go here instead as it deals with the Full Site Search in DNN.
I've been noticing some alignment problems when my full site search includes certain forum entries. The result is less than ideal, well put frankly it's bad. The forum entries with problems seem to contain certain html codes. Here is a snipit from an entry that includes a few tables and columns one user posted:
<table class="regular" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="574" align="center" border="0">
<td valign="top" width="276" height="15">
<div align="justify">
<table class="regular" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="259" align="center" border="0">
When this post, and a few others like it, are returned to the search results page of the full site search the nice alignment it has for the item number, title, description, etc. gets thrown out of whack. Text overlaps itself, the numbering gets shifted around, etc. Like I said, less than ideal. Here's a snipit of the output. Notice the 1 down lower instead of right next to the title Re: Pre-Summit.
I know the problem is with the html codes at the begining fo the forum entry. I would imagine the search engine retrieves only X characters and ignores the rest. In this case it's incomplete table definitions so the columns are thrown out of whack. my question is how can I fix this? I know I can go into the forum post and change it, but that fixes this entry and doesn't stop it from happening again.
Is there some way to tell the forum module to not include html tags when it gathers it's search info? I'm sure I could modify the source to do that, but then I have a modified core module and that's generally a recipe for disaster. Maybe there's some setting I'm missing somewhere??
Any help would be appreciated.