I am confused at when the admin and portal skin are used. For starters, it appears that the admin skin is used whenever you are navigated to a page that has admin functionality? As opposed to when someone with an administrator privelege logs in (I would have assumed the latter would be best way)?
On my site I disabled the solpart menu on the portal skin & container (enabled on admin only) so that for a normal user that 70k solpart js file never gets loaded. I also added a little "AD>" tag on the top left so I know when I am using the admin skin instead of portal skin.
The problem I see is that when not logged in at admin (or not logged in at all) and browsing normal files this "AD>" appears which is indication that I am running the admin skin instead of the portal skin. This occurs consistently on my same tabs\modules but I cannot figure out why?
Is it because of tab or modules settings I have? Or is this a bug? I'm confused and running DNN 3.1.1.
As an example I will show my website that this link is normal and shows in portal skin:
But this link comes up as admin skin (note ad> in top left corner):
In both portals my admin\portal skin settings are the same.