I have a fairly simple query and template I'm using to display an 'Announcements Archive' of announcements over 30 days old (which I'm going to modify to be only between 30 and 60 days, but that won't be a problem).
My question is, I would like to add the 'Read More' link to the items it pulls but am having difficulty. I've looked in the tables but am not finding a way to do this.
My sql query is:
SELECT CONVERT(VARChar(14), PublishDate, 101) AS PublishDate, Title, Description
FROM ihsaa_Announcements
WHERE (DATEDIFF(day, PublishDate, GETDATE()) > 10)
My template is:
<div class=DNN_ANN_date>[PublishDate]</div>
<br />
<div class=DNN_ANN_title>[Title]</div>
<div style="color: Black;">[Description]</div>
<br />
<hr />
<br />
I don't think I will have a problem adding it to the template once I can pull it from the tables. . .it's the sql that I have trouble with. Any direction would be greatly appreciated!