Brian please forgive me but there is absolutely nothing, not even a website to back up who you say you are.
You complain about beta testing - please correct me but I don't remember any specific contribution in Gemini from you (would be far more constructive if you contributed towards better releases).
If you are a senior software developer one would have thought you'd want to help develop the software you are obtaining for free to make it better, rather than do what do and post all day asking other developers to solve issues for you (who you are not paying, and in a lot of cases aren't even getting paid).
If there are issues that actually are a problem as a software developer I would expect you to try and debug, or query or solve in the forums via coded example, so far I don't remember you ever refering to a single line of code.
I rarely see you help people here with technical issues.
You complain about 5.1.0 but then you are not using it. In fact I can't even remember you praising any release to be honest.
You complain about bugs, stability of releases, but then at the same you ask why it isn't ready, And then you complain about beta testing periods as though you manage the project. - as a senior software developer you should know all about the trade offs..
As a senior software developer you don't seem to understand the point of "point" releases in certain software projects. No software is perfect first time.
You say DNN isn't your primary income - so why exactly are you posting here all the time? And why are you trying to bring down this frameworks reputation?
Sorry Brian.... that's what I'm seeing, I suspect you are probably quite a nice person in real life away from all this so don't take it personally. You just don't add up.
NB I don't use 5.x either other than for testing, but I will definately be considering 5.1.1 when it is out for production....
[NB NOTE Brian edits out his last comment above]