You should be all set Dave. The problem was that in 4.4.3 the IUpgradeable didn't fire and no permission where added to the module permissions grid (seen while editing module settings). For those who may have the problem as well, check to see if the grid has "Forum Admin" and "Global Moderator" as columns.
If this is someone else's issue, you should know that Dave had run a script to correct some localization issues in 4.4.3 (it was in a thread upgrade 4.4.3 upgrade problems). Once that is set too (which shows completely different errors, not related to this one) you would also have to run something like below:
SET @ModuleDefID = (SELECT ModuleDefID FROM ModuleDefinitions WHERE FriendlyName = 'Forum')
INSERT INTO Permission (PermissionCode, ModuleDefID, PermissionKey, PermissionName) VALUES
('FORUM_MODULE', @ModuleDefID, 'FORUMADMIN', 'Forum Administrator')
INSERT INTO Permission (PermissionCode, ModuleDefID, PermissionKey, PermissionName) VALUES
('FORUM_MODULE', @ModuleDefID, 'FORUMGLBMOD', 'Global Moderator')