I am migrating a site for a client using DNN 05.01.01.
The main site consists of about ~100 pages, plus about ~ 140 news pages.
The news index pages shows a title, summary text and a link to each of the 140 articles in a long list, which then link through to the actual story.
In an effort to keep the content "managable" i was considering using the blog module to keep all the news articles in.
My main reason for considering this is becuase the 140 news pages are going to make a mess of the Parent Page drop down when you are editing any of the site pages or adding a new page for example.
I understand that the news content (in a blog) might not get found using the site search. (or does the blog "hook up" to the site seach?)
My Question: Whats the best way to approach this?
1) Just enter all the site pages AND news pages as normal? and put up with the large list (~240 items) in the "Parent Page" dropdown when editing
2) or, Should i use the blog module?
3) or, Please can anyone suggest a suitable open source module for this kind of application?
thanks guys, your answers and comments are appreciated.