Hi, I'm trying to set up TwitterFeed to read my Events RSS so my event postings will get automatically tweeted. My event feed is: http://www.foodfestguide.com/DesktopModules/Events/EventRSS.aspx?mid=717&tabid=260 When I configure TwitterFeed and test the RSS, I get the error "We couldn't parse this feed, please check URL and/or feed content are valid."
The feed validator results (from feedvalidator.org) gives the following:
This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
line 18, column 270: item should contain a guid element (10 occurrences) [help]
... ry><category>Lake Buena Vista</category></item><item><title>Mulberry Fin ...
line 35, column 160: Implausible date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 04:00:00 GMT
(9 occurrences) [help]
... k><pubDate>Fri, 09 Oct 2009 04:00:00 GMT</pubDate><dc:creator>FoodFest</ ...
line 168, column 275: Missing atom:link with rel="self" [help]
... egory>Clearwater Beach</category></item></channel></rss>
My best guess is that it's choking on the date, but I have no idea how to reformat it or what to reformat it to. Has anyone else tried to do this or offer any insight?
In case it's helpful, my event templates are:
RSS Feed - Title (modified template):
[event:title]: [ONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate|MM/dd/yy][/ONEDAYEVENT]
[NOTONEDAYEVENT][event:startdate|MM/dd/yy] - [event:enddate|MM/dd/yy][/NOTONEDAYEVENT]
RSS Feed - Event Description (modified template):
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top" colspan="2">