Steve, thank you for the response, but it's still not working. This is on the "Dashboard" portion of the Repository, and NOT the Repository (template) portion which works fine.
I'm working with DNN Community v 05.02.00 with a 2008 SQL Server Express edition.
Repository Dashboard version 3.1.15
Using the [THUMBNAIL] tag seems to put an additional parameter of &w=30 at the end. The result I see in my "Repository Dashboard" is :
If I do a view source for the Repository Dashboard, for the first item I see:
<td class="Normal" align="left" valign="top">/DesktopModules/Repository/MakeThumbnail.aspx?tabid=142&id=9&mid=584&w=30</td>
There is no input or img tags around the text.
If I do a view source for the Repository module, I see what I think I'm suppose to see.
<input type="image" name="dnn$ctr584$Repository$lstObjects$ctl03$ctl00" src="/DesktopModules/Repository/MakeThumbnail.aspx?tabid=142&id=9&mid=584&w=100" style="border-width:0px;" />
I'm not sure why the Dashboard is acting differently.