I was wondering how can we use the "Check For Upgrades" feature with our custom modules.
I've seen Public Function UpgradeService() in Extensions.ascx.vb
It calls UpgradeRedirect() (found in Upgrade.vb) to find if an upgrade is available for a given extension.
This function uses Config.GetSetting("UpdateServiceRedirect") (if this web.config setting exists) as the check URL.
If this "UpdateServiceRedirect" setting does not exists, it uses:
strURL = DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.UpgradeUrl & "/redirect.aspx"
strURL += "?core=" & FormatVersion(DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.Version, "00", 3, "")
strURL += "&version=" & FormatVersion(Version, "00", 3, "")
strURL += "&type=" & PackageType
strURL += "&name=" & PackageName
As I understand, this web.config is absent in most installations and DNN checks for all the core packages version with "DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.UpgradeUrl & "/redirect.aspx""; which is "http://update.dotnetnuke.com"
So, my questions is:
=> Is there any way for our custom modules to notify about upgrades in the Host > Extensions page without breaking the default core packages upgrade checking?
I mean, if I add to the web.config my "UpdateServiceRedirect", DNN will stop checking for the core upgrades (unless in the new target url I manually keep all the information about new packages updated, right?).