Something is happening on my end where the sequence of the entries is all messed up. I'm also, on dnn login getting some kind of blocking happening and this is scary, just after a McAfee update. 
I read your prior entry to this more fully. Here's what is happening on my end. To circumvent the errors i was getting in the 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 scripts I did these manually then deleted them out of the dataproviders/sqldataprovider folder for the 5.2.2 and 5.4.1 stages of the upgrade. So these were run and per SQL 2008 management studio, all executed successfully.
I searched all other scripts for moduledefinitions.ascx, definitions.ascx and any variation. I can't find where there is a db entry creating these files nor to I see any content in the upgrade zips meant to be loaded to the /admin paths, either in Desktop Modules or in root/admin.
From what i see, at 5.4.1, DNN expects these paths to exist. They don't. Per your earlier post the content has been moved to desktopmodules/admin, etc. that path also does not exist.
Clearly, whatever should be creating the path isn't doing it. Also, the content files, moduledefinitions.ascx and moduledefvalidator.ascx, do not exist anywhere. There are no scripts making these controlsrc= entries in any table nor are there files in the zips, nor do they show up otherwise anywhere in the site after upgrade.
I welcome some input. I've done a THOROUGH search of the scripts and files for any information showing what didn't run, etc. I can't find it.
If I can email you files showing my upgrade checklist and notes, I think this would be helpful.
Mike Durthaler