Hi tzmedia - you sound like you've had some challenges!! And I'm sorry to hear that - but can I confess.. do you think I could get php CMS working at all, ever? I think it's what we get familiar with!
Are you asking if this application works on a non Windows environment because at this stage the answer is no..
You don't need a control panel to get your site working but you need a hosting company who has some idea on how to host a DotNetNuke site or you're going to have some interesting challenges in my opinion. You also will need access to SQL server to create the connection strings in your web.config file (release.config which is renamed as web.config)
Have you looked at any of the documentation? Perhaps it might be a good idea to post here what your hosting provider is giving you, to ensure you have all the elements required to host a dnn site successfully.
There is also some documentation available for download on the downloads page, which might be worth going through too.
And yes this forum does work in firefox and has had some upgrades but they aren't released..
We're working hard in this non perfect world that never stands still.
Nina Meiers
Nina Meiers My Little Website
If it's on DNN, I fix, build, deploy, support,skin, host, design, consult, implement, integrate and done since 2003.
Who am I? Just a city chic, having a crack at organic berry farming.. and creating awesome websites.