I must have done this in the past, but cannot remember how: how to programmatically hide another module?
I have a custom module on a page, where there's also say an HTML module. Depending on my module status, I want to be able to hide the other modules (that HTML module) from code. If I were to hide my own module I'd simply call "Me.ContainerControl.Visible = False".
I can find modules in my tab, but then do not know how I should get the containercontrol of that module: can anyody help?
Here's my code:
Dim mc As New ModuleController, dc As New DesktopModuleController
Dim moduli As Dictionary(Of Integer, ModuleInfo) = mc.GetTabModules(Me.TabId)
For Each m As ModuleInfo In moduli.Values
Dim di As DesktopModuleInfo = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModuleByModuleName(m.ModuleName, Me.PortalId)
If di.ModuleName <> "MyCustomModuleName" Then
' Here I want to hide m
End If