10 Essential DotNetNuke Modules that make it easy to build a website you can be proud of.
Make your website more social, more friendly, more welcoming, and more useable with this collection of 10 DotNetNuke Modules.
Make Your Website More Social with the DotNetNuke Social Bookmarks Module
With these ten essential modules you can:
Make your website more social with Social Bookmarks including twitter, digg, reddit, and 56 more buttons.
Make your site navigation easier for your visitors with a 100% pure CSS side menu.
Welcome new visitors with a customizable message that encourages them to register or subscribe to your site.
Easily Redirect pages with a search engine safe 301 redirect. Great for when you want to remove old pages, fix up old urls or hide affiliate urls.
Automatically generate a robots.txt file to fix some of DotNetNuke's duplicate content problems.
Give users a free trial period, and require them to sign up after a set number of views.
Or give users a free trial period and show them an optional sign up page after a set number of views. If they choose not to sign up, they get another free trial period.
Show a friendly terms and conditions screen that must be agreed to before viewing your chosen content. Great for forums, social networks and blogs.
Easily and securely share files with clients, friends and family, without requiring them to login.
Add any javascript block to your pages - great for showing paid advertising, or adding statistics tracking codes.
Buy the Essential DotNetNuke Module Collection Now
Set Your Own Custom Terms and Conditions with the DotNetNuke Terms and Conditions Module
These are the ten essential DotNetNuke modules that you will get:
1. Social Bookmarks Module |
usually $49.99 |
2. CSS Side Menu Module |
usually $49.99 |
3. Welcome Message Module |
usually $49.99 |
4. Terms and Conditions Module |
usually $49.99 |
5. Easy Download file sharing Module |
usually $49.99 |
6. Free Trial Module |
usually $49.99 |
7. Adsense and Javascript Module |
usually $49.99 |
8. Robots.txt generator Module |
usually $49.99 |
9. 301 Redirect Manager Module |
usually $49.99 |
10. 301 Redirect Module |
usually $14.95 |
The total cost to purchase these modules individually would be $465.00. But you wont need to pay anywhere near that to buy the Essential DotNetNuke Module Collection.
Give New Visitors a Friendly Welcome with the DotNetNuke Welcome Message Module
Is your DotNetNuke website just too plain and too boring?
When you downloaded DotNetNuke were you a bit dissapointed? Did you think that it should be better? Why is it that:
A new site is not very social and doesn't allow your visitors to interact with you through social media like twitter.
A new site is not very welcoming to new visitors and offers no way to give a friendly message or let new visitors know how to register or subscribe?
A new site has navigation that is not always obvious to your visitors, and can hide your pages from search engines?
A new site does not have any way for you to offer visitors a free trial before requiring that they register or subscribe?
A new site does not allow you to have mandatory terms and conditions that must be accepted by visitors before they can view content like blogs, forums and social networks.
A new site does not have an easy and secure way to offer downloads and share files.
When you buy this collection of ten essential modules you can be proud of your website that:
Is social.
Is friendly.
Is easy to use.
Encourages visitors to participate.
Encourages visitors to register or subscribe.
Allows search engines to find all your pages.
Easily and Securely Share Files with the DotNetNuke Easy Download Module
Mandeep S says... 5.0
Great Product! Works as specified...
Richard G says... 5.0
Fast clean, easy install. Performs as claimed. Useful module worth the money...
Brian R says... 4.0
Very cool module for adding social links to your pages very quickly. With the way social networks are growing a mod like this on every page of your site is highly recommended to help grow your website traffic.
Michael D says... 5.0
This is an amazing module. Very easy to use and a great way to quickly and simply add a social element to your DNN site. The sales team was also very quick to respond to a question I had before I purchased the module. Well done guys.
Shivaji M says... 5.0
Thats great and work smoothly. Need few more options to give absolute flexibility like opening social bookmarks page in new window.
Antony G says... 5.0
SUPER, simple and intuitive product !
Stephen B says... 5.0
A very effective side menu. We tried it first, asked if a small modification was possible to suit our site and it was sorted quickly and efficiently.
Marcos S says... 5.0
Easy to install and very easy to use. It works perfect!
Give New Visitors a Free Trial with the DotNetNuke Free Trial Module
Build a website you can be proud of - there is so much that you can do with these modules
Use the Social Bookmarks module to:
- Fast forward your website's popularity with social bookmarks.
- Make a connection with people and win fans and followers on twitter, digg, reddit and more.
- Get more visitors, more links and higher rankings.
Use the CSS Side Menu module to:
- Make your site navigation easier for your visitors.
- Match the style of the menu your website with some easy to use CSS.
- Make sure that Google and other search engines can find all of your pages.
Use the Welcome Message module to:
- Give new visitors a friendly welcome
- Let new visitors know how to subscribe or register
- Tell new visitors important information about your site
Use the Terms and Conditions module to:
- Show your own custom terms text to your visitors.
- Require that visitors accept the terms before accessing forums, blogs, and social networks or any other page.
Use the Easy Download and File Sharing module to:
- Easily and securely send files to clients, familt and friends.
- Send files without requiring users to login.
- Have a different password for each file you send.
Use the Free Trial module to:
- Give new visitors a configurable number of free page views.
- Require that visitors register or subscribe when the free views are used up.
- Or make registration optional, and the visitor will be asked but not required to register or subscribe.
Use the Adsense and Javascript module to:
- Easily add Adsense to your website and earn more income.
- Easily add any other kind of text advertising like Adbrite to your website.
- Easily add any javascript block at all, like statistics, tools and games.
Use the Robots.txt generator module to:
- Automatically generate a robots.txt file to fix some of DotNetNuke's duplicate content problems.
- Make sure that your confidential and sensitive files do not appear in Google's search results.
Use the Redirect Manager and 301 Redirect module to:
- Easily redirect pages with a search engine safe 301 redirect.
- Remove old pages without losing any Google rankings.
- Fix up urls one by one (use URL Master to change every URL in your site at once).
- Hide affiliate urls.
Buy the Essential DotNetNuke Module Collection Now

License details
The purchase of this module collection includes one license for each module to use that module on a single installation of DotNetNuke. Each module may be used on all parent and child portals of that one installation.
The Ten Essential DotNetNuke Modules collection is a downloadable zip file. No physical products will be shipped. After your order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the zip file and all of the bonuses onto your computer.