I use following in .ascx file to submit Form data ... not an ideal solution but works.
<input id="nameID" name="name" value="" type="text" size="30" maxlength="20" />
<input id="zipID" name="zip" value="" type="text" size="6" maxlength="5" onblur='validateZip();' />
<input id="submitID" type="submit" onclick=" validateFORM();if (formValid == 'true'){this.form.action='https://URL';this.form.submit();}"
In the footer of the module page, i have added following to change the encoding format of the form:
<script type="text/javascript">document.Form.enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";</script>
My problem of not being able to parse POST data was because of the tool that i was using to construct the POST requests, but when i sent POST requests from a Web Browser, i was able to receive and parse the Form data with no problem.
BTW, i didn't need to make "EnableViewStateMac" false to receive POST data from other website ..... i think that change is needed only if Server.Transfer is used and someone wants to preserve the Form data while exchanging between various files on the server.