This isn't showing up because the MinimalExtropy skin doesn't have a banner skin object included in it, and there is no pane available in that area of the website. As this is a question that's raised quite often on the forums I've created a video on adding a pane in that specific area, which you could then add a Banner module to. I'll post a link to it when it's available on the PSDtoDNN channel.
In the meantime, to get a pane next to the logo area, you'll need to do the following:
1. Edit the code of the skin you're using, I'm taking it that you're using the index minimalextropy skin, if you're not the steps are pretty much the same.
2. Copy the .ascx file as a backup (always do this so you have something to roll back to if it goes worng)
3. Open the index.ascx file so you can edit the code, this can be done in dreamweaver if you have it.
4. Locate the Logo skin object and after it's wrapping element (the div that surrounds it) add the following code:
<div style="float:right; width:650px;" id="BannerPane" runat="server"></div>
You may want to give the div a class rather than using in-line style and set it up as you need it from an external css file
5. Save the file
6. Reload your webpage
You'll now have a BannerPane available next to the Logo which you can add a Banner module to.
I'd also recommend, if you're happy with the changes to keep a copy of the altered .ascx file on your local machine, again as a backup.
If you're versed with using skin objects in DNN, you could alternatively use the banner skin object instead, ommitting the id and runat setting from the new <div> and placing the skin object code within the div.
Hope this helps,