Hi to all,
I have this trouble:
I can replace tokens in Text/Html module, so this text:
......... [User:FirstName] [User:LastName]
Username = [User:Username]
Displayname = [User:DisplayName]
.... [DateTime:Now] ........ [User:Email]
.................. [Portal:PortalName] ........[Portal:Email]
........................ [Portal:Currency]
(note that dots are replaced with my personal test) became readable text.and now, with php script, I would send an email message to [User:Email] but in html form the Tokens are not replaced!
How I can solve this?
How I can write the text (with tokens replaced) in text file?
I hope you have an easy solution (note that I are not abte to write scripts in ASP.NET)
Thanks in advance, Ave.