Was working on a new skin for html5 and ran into these errors validating my site.
Line 3, Column 152: Bad value Content-Script-Type for attribute http-equiv on element meta.
…pt" http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" /><meta content="text/css" http-equiv="Co…
Line 3, Column 211: Bad value Content-Style-Type for attribute http-equiv on element meta.
…css" http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" /><meta id="MetaDescription" name="DESCRI…
Line 3, Column 1214: Bad value PAGE-ENTER for attribute http-equiv on element meta.
…evealTrans(Duration=0,Transition=1)" /><style id="StylePlaceholder" type="text…
Anyone know if DNN is planning on fixing this or if it's just something that can only be modified in the core?
Also on all module anchors the NAME attribute is obsolete in HTML5 (comes up as warnings), what are the chances of that changing to ID?