I host my web site on some commercial hosting. In general, I am happy, but sometimes I experience site availability issues.
Sometimes my site is fast, sometimes it's very slow and takes big time to load, and sometimes, I receive server error 500 and related DNN error messages while trying to access my site via URL.
I followed the optimization suggestions by Mr Mitchell, uninstalled all the modules that I don't use and I have a module that cleans the database on schedule, and also, I have ping service that don't let my site sleep. So no problems here.
The problem is related to the application pool.
In control panel of the hosting provider, I can choose the application pool that has been created for my site, or to use a shared application pool.
To control the issues that I am facing, I must switch time to time from one pool to another, so if it's not working here, it will work there, and vice versa.
I posted a message to the support team, and here is their answer:
thank you for contacting our technical support team.
The cause of the application's failure, is the limit on 64MB that set for dedicated application pool. When your application reaches dedicated amount of memory, IIS web server restarts the application pool in order to release server resources. In simple words your application isn't adapted to work under 64MB and must be optimized by developers. Our shared pool isn't limited at all, it's about 1GB of available RAM that your application can use, but when shared pool gets overfilled, IIS restarts it as well.
Please, learn more about asp.net optimization on this page and try to reduce load on the web server:
We suggest reduce total size of .dll files that you have under the "bin" folder, it takes an additional time for your site to load them to server RAM and it looks as server slowness for you. You should really have your designer look at this.
I would like to know what I should do in my case. Is there a way to optimize my site so it works with the application pool limits?