DotNetMushroom RAD is built on a relational database concept. It is built completely on SQL tables.
User Interface
The user-interfaces is similar to most commonly used Relational Database Packages available. This will reduce your learning curve.

Security & Encryption
Having the power to use SQL to query tables we also introduced a very tight security model. Basically the security model will provide encapsulation so that a user can only access the tables belonging to his application only so ensuring that data from other applications is not accessible. Also encryption ensures that URLs are masked for protection.
The Control Panel
The Control Panel provides the user with the functionality to create and modify an application. Here the user can find all the objects that are used by the application.

Data is stored in SQL tables. Fields can have the following types : Text, Number (Integer/Long/Decimal), Memo, Calendar Date, True/False, Hyperlink, Image, File, Drop Down List, Relation (Foreign Key), Computed field.

This section will allow you to define database queries. Queries (sometimes referred to as Views) allow you to define a subset of a single table or bigger sets of multiple tables. Write your own SQL command to manipulate data as needed.

A form is a representation of the data in the data tables. DotNetMushroom RAD allows for two types of forms: View Form and Edit Form. Their final goal is similar, which is to display data. However an edit form will also allow you to edit or insert new data. Forms are thus basically the user interface of your application.
By default, a DotNetMushroom RAD module can keep one form at one time; however this can be change dynamically through navigation control. You can also put multiple forms on a single DNN Tab by inserting more DotNetMushroom RAD modules. One single navigator control can manage all the DotNetMushroom RAD modules in a single Tab.
A screenshot of the Forms Control Panel is shown.

Templates are used to style the data and controls which will be visible within the form. You can use your own HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create any template needed.A DotNetMushroom Form has four template sections that you can use to facilitate the process of building templates. These are Header Template , Body Template , Alternate Body Template and Footer Template
A very powerful and time-saving feature is the Autogenerate Template used for both the View Form, for displaying data, and for the Edit Form, used for data entry. This will automatically generate a template from a data source of your choice. All the fields in the table will automatically be included in the template. (Calculate the huge time savings to create templates especially on large tables)
Template editing can be done in 2 ways either using a plain text editor because most experienced users prefer or a GUI editor. Having the possibility to use both systems help both the application developer and the designer. The application develop will use the GUI editor to create the application without focusing on the design, while then the designer will edit the templates via plain text editing to skin the application.
This brings into DotNetNuke application development the possibility to separate the designer from the actual application developer. In DotNetMushroom RAD a developer can prepare a whole application, creating tables, queries, forms, and inserting controls inside the templates section of forms, sets any control property, the form’s data source, any necessary logic such as JavaScript through the JavaScript control, and setting the Navigation control. The designer will skin the application’s templates either by editing the HTML templates directly or by using the DotNetMushroom RAD text based interface itself inside each form. He can also set a property in the form to make sure that no GUI editor is loaded on this form.

Powerful Controls
DotNetMushroom RAD provides a rich tool set of ready-made controls to be used with your forms, mainly :
Data Input
- Textbox
- Data Input
- HTML Input
- Number
- Memo
- Dropdown
- RadioButtonList
- Checkbox
- Labellist
- Multilist
- Calendar
- Custom Validator
- Range Validator
- Compare Validator
- Validation Summary
- E-Mail Validator
- Regex Validator
- Captcha
- Label
- Paging
- Image
- Video
- Currency
- Date
- Hyperlink
- Literal
- Charts
- Calendar
- Javascript
- Tooltip
- File Upload
The Navigator (Form redirector) is the most powerful feature of DotNetMushroom RAD.
Within an application navigation is a must, therefore to facilitate this process DotNetMushroom RAD provides you with an extensive website navigation module. This navigation system will help you with filtering, navigation between pages and passing values between forms.
A navigator is not bound to do only one type of navigation function i.e. a navigator can change the form of a module and filter the new form.
For maximum flexibility : A navigator can filter a form in one module, set a default value in another form in another module and filter a control in another form in another module.
As explained above the navigation with the DotNetMushroom RAD is versatile and gives you the tools to create a full fletched linked application.
In the example below:
- Click on the CCTV item in the top menu
- The categories under the CCTV menu are displayed in the left menu
- Clicking on ‘Internal Cameras’ on the Left menu will display all the items under ‘Internal cameras’
- In the detailed section a display template is shown

Button Events
DotNetMushroom RAD provides an extensive list of ‘Out of the Box’ pre-defined events, which will help you to add more functionality to your application with a click of a button.
A sample of the events include :
Save |
- Save data in form to data source
Save & Navigate |
- Save Data
- Reload data to get row saved
- Redirect to the set navigator
Save, Return New Row & Navigate |
- Save Data
- Reload data to get row saved
- Redirect to the set navigator
Save, Return New Row, Call Webservice & Navigate |
- Save Data
- Reload data to get row saved
- Call a web service
- Redirect to the set navigator
Save, Return New Row, E-Mail & Navigate |
- Save Data
- Reload data to get row saved
- Send Email
- Redirect user to specified navigator
Save & Back to Caller |
- Save Data
- Return back to Caller Page
Save & Email |
Save, E-Mail & Navigate |
Save, E-Mail & Navigate |
- Save Data
- Send Email
- Redirect user to specified navigator
Lists provide a simple way to provide multi-level lists in DotNetMushroom RAD. While you can still use tables to manually create the same functionality, lists provide you an easy and fast way to create one level, or multi level lists.
Package & Unpackage
Build an application once and deploy it again in a few minutes.The package module provides you with access to package and unpackaged applications so that you can transfer them from one portal (maybe one development portal) to another.
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