I have the following menu hierarchy:
Who We Are
(not displayed)
(not displayed)
(not displayed)
What We Do
Facts & Stats
The Staff page has links to Bios, and on each Bio page I want to display its parent menu; that is, on each of the Alan, Bob, and Chris pages, I want to display the parent menu of Directors, Staff, and Partners menu items.
To display the top-level menu (Who We Are, What We Do, Facts & Stats) I use:
<dnn:NAV runat="server" id="dnnNAV" ProviderName="DNNMenuNavigationProvider" IndicateChildren="false" ControlOrientation="Horizontal" CSSControl="navlist">
<dnn:CustomAttribute Name="RenderMode" Value="UnorderedList" />
And for the second-level menu (Directors, Staff, Partners) I use:
<dnn:NAV runat="server" id="dnnSUBNAV" ProviderName="DNNMenuNavigationProvider" IndicateChildren="false" ControlOrientation="Horizontal" CSSControl="navlist" Level="Same">
<dnn:CustomAttribute Name="RenderMode" Value="UnorderedList" />
So the only difference really is that I added Level="Same" for the second-level menu. But I can't figure out how display the second-level menu, on the third-level pages (the bios - note that on the bio pages themselves I don't display the third-level menu items). Any help would be greatly appreciated.