I have a stored procedure which takes flattened data from UserDefinedData/Rows and creates a properly formed RSS XML. My only remaining problem with it is that it displays dates (which F&L stores as ntext) in their original format like "2010-04-10 00:00:00.000".
RSS specifications require a
"RFC822" Date format like "Wed, 02 Oct 2004 00:00:00 +0200". The code below (the "3" and "113" refer to date formats
from MSDN) is the closest I've found, but the results are inconsistant. Ex: "2010-04-03 00:00:00.000" becomes "Sat, 4/3/2010", but "2010-04-10 00:00:00.000" becomes "Sat, 2010-04-10T00:00:00".
,(Select left(datename(dw,cast(fieldvalue as nvarchar(50))),3)+', '+ convert(varchar(20),cast(fieldvalue as nvarchar(50)),113)
from dbo.UserDefinedData where UserDefinedFieldId = 298
and UserDefinedRowId = item.UserDefinedRowId) as [pubDate]
from dbo.UserDefinedRows item where ModuleId = 832