We have a DNN 5.6 site that incorporates a lot of jQuery AJAX functionality. To make things easier during development, we have made a simple .asmx web service called "DotNetNukeService.asmx" which has methods that utilize the DotNetNuke API.
One of our methods in this service returns a DNN friendly URL:
Public Function CreateNavigateUrl(ByVal TabId As Integer, ByVal ParamArray Parameters() As String) As String
Return(NavigateURL(TabId, "", Parameters))
End Function
This service originally resided in the "~/DesktopModules" directory, but I have since moved it to its own directory "~/Services". The issue I am having is that after moving the service out of the "DesktopModules" directory, everytime I call this service, the url that is returned from NavigateUrl() method contains the directory location/method of the service that I called.
For example, if I call the above method "CreateNavigateUrl()", from a jQuery AJAX function, the url that is returned looks like the following:
As you can see the service and method used ("services/dotnetnukeservice.asmx/createnavigateurl") are now part of the url returned. How can I return a url that doesn't show this information and instead just shows:
Like I said before, I don't remember this being an issue when the service resided in the "DesktopModules" folder. I was looking at adding a FriendlyUrl rule in the Host Settings like this ".*/services/dotnetnukeservice.asmx/createnavigateurl/(.*)" and then replacing it with just a "/", but that isn't working.