Wanted to drop a post related to some issues I had in an upgrade for 5.4 to 5.6.1 and an ongoing issue with "Upgrading to .NET 4.0".
I saw reference in another post where someone had an issue w/ their upgrade and they had the below "location" tag around their system.web and/or system.webserver tags in the web.config. We have this in there because more than likely, or in my case, I have virtual directories below the main site on a shared host that do other things that host the DNN site, so we need a clean web.config that doesn't inherit anything, which inheritance appears to be the default for IIS 7/7.5.
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
This location tag though appears to wreak havoc on the upgrade process for DNN, namely the Telerik upgrade. I was able to get my site running by manually editing the web.config to use the new needed Telerik entries from the Telerik .dnn file. (There might be a more elegant way, but it worked for me since my entire DNN site was inaccessible at the time.)
I also awoke to an issue this morning where my site was down saying the web.config was full. Upon further inspection I found where every time DNN started it was attempting to upgrade the web.config file to .NET 4.0, even though the web.config was already upgraded fully. I deleted the NET40.config file to at least temporarily resolve this issue from happening again. However, I am still seeing where it is attempting to upgrade to 4.0 over and over, but now it's got nothing it can do to the web.config, so the site won't crash again.
In spelunking the code I came across the upgrade process and see that the code is looking for:
So basically it's expecting <system.web> to sit right under <configuration>, which for those of us using the <location> tag this isn't the case. Our web.configs are actually "//configuration/location/system.web/httpRuntime".
I'm going to do a bit more research to see if there's another way I can stop the web.config inheritance, but anyone with the <location> tag in their web.config be warned, as there appears to be some issues with DNN and having that tag there.