So I've been wrestling with the new Portal Alias and mapping feature with 5.6.1 - I seem to have narrowed the issue down to my problem happening with sites that are upgraded to 5.6.1 since a fresh install seems to work fine. I also finally have a solid production example (although the design is heavily out of date).
Anyway, the following site has been upgraded several times over the years, having started life as a ~DNN 4.3 site. I have the following domains setup for it:
In IIS7, they are all listed under "Bindings" (along with their www. versions as well).
However, after the upgrade I logged in to setup the default domain and set the mapping mode, however there is no option for a Default Alias. I have attached screenshots of two examples:
This is the one mentioned above, an upgrade - notice the lack of the "default alias" option
This is a fresh install of 5.6.1 where the domain is resolving to default alias properly.
Hope someone can point me in the right direction here.
Edit: a quick example of the problems this is causing, visit and then visit and you'll see why my client is a little frustrated.