The PackFlash module will actually do this, but out-of-the-box it is configured not to. To Will's point - in most cases, the user would not want to follow or record every URL (in fact, this is one of the most common issues or complaints about complexity - there are too many URLs found and it leads to confusion).
With that said, every implementation is different and people/sites have different needs. During our beta testing, we found some "common" areas that users consistently considered URLs that were not "useful" to manage. A simple example is a link that is for "email a friend" that may show up on every article, blog, product, etc. page. The crawler would find it, report it, and it would "clutter" what the user was really trying to accomplish.
If you look in the "Settings" page of the PackFlash SEO Dashboard, there is an area for providing several strings for the crawler to look out for and be aware of. When it finds these strings, it will produce an action - in some cases, this is to put them into their own grouping, and in some cases it is to discard. These groups have proliferated over time (more of them have been added) because of requests and more knowledge.
In your original example, part of the URL that you provide includes the string "/ctl/" inside of it. This is currently within the list of text strings to discard, so it will not be recorded by the crawler and reported to the administrator (technically, I believe that it is being stored, however so that the next time it is found, the crawler doesn't have to do as much work and just ignores it). Removing the "/ctl/" string from the comma delimited list should provide access to this URL to manage including providing a friendly URL and a unique title, description, and keywords - in this case, you would need to check the SEO Lock checkbox and save...otherwise, the system would think you want to over-write then next time it crawls the page.
The same methodology would apply to any page with "returnURL" in it. Remove it from the discard box and the pages will be displayed to the administrator and you should have control of them. The crawler does not, however, ,know at this point that it needs to follow the link to the return url page, but this is unnecessary in this case. The system will remember the query string "?ReturnURL=XX" and will take the user to the appropriate page after logging in.
As soon as you can manage these types of situations and these URLs, you will find that there are many more URLs produced, however, because many administrative functions have these strings within their URL. This may or may not be a problem for you if you understand what is going on, but it is a cause for concern due to the potential for confusion. Recently (version 1.4), we added a different group called "All the require Login" (which technically these examples don't apply, but some new URLs found would). The idea is that the search engines can't get to this page anyway, but you may still want to have some management of those pages.
Future enhancements are to allow for users/administrators to define their own groups based on strings within the URLs (or if other PackFlash modules are being purchased, the integration between them will create the grouping for the admin so that things are more organized).
With all that out of the way, as Will pointed out...it is still unclear what your end goal is...if it is a duplicate page, then it is possible that you either want to combine these into one URL (there are 2 ways of doing this on PackFlash - one at a time with the "transform" URL function or automated as the URL is found by Grouping in the "Bulk Edits"). If these are located on different pages or locations of the website, then a canonical approach is necessary to preserve "link juice" (this is what Will was referring to). On the other hand, if there really is different content on the pages, then they aren't duplicates and it sounds like a limitation in the current system is preventing them from being considered separate content - then the PackFlash module can solve this problem by giving you control of the URL and the SE information for it.
I hope that helps and makes sense. I noticed that you contacted us directly and have responded there as well, but if you would like to speak with us on this, we can be reached at 888-433-2260 or at success@packflash.com.
Thank you.