Thanks for addressing my points on a point by point basis, really nice to know our comments here are being reviewed carefully.
For the Pasting HTML issue, I copied text from several different sites to verify the problem. I copy the rendered text from the sites directly using Ctrl-C and paste it into the Rich Text Editor in Design mode using Ctrl-V. I verified that doing the same actions in a DNN 5.6.2 site resulted in proper markup but all markup and line breaks were stripped in DNN6.
In this case I'll use the BaconIpsum generator,
If I paste the text into this thread, it's pasted as two paragraphs.
When pasted directly here, it works properly:
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pig venison bresaola t-bone ham brisket, meatloaf pork chop bacon swine. Ham chicken beef, hamburger shank pig swine tongue cow. Spare ribs shoulder bacon beef bresaola. Bresaola ground round beef ribs pork loin, beef brisket shankle cow sausage. Pancetta boudin ball tip, pork shank pastrami corned beef venison. Ball tip sirloin pig shoulder ground round, short loin tri-tip boudin turkey strip steak brisket tenderloin pancetta spare ribs pork belly. Jowl tenderloin chuck, jerky sausage pig shank beef tri-tip ham hock.
Turkey tri-tip drumstick shankle, corned beef bacon sirloin venison ground round ribeye headcheese shoulder. Headcheese biltong fatback bacon, jerky meatloaf ground round pastrami shoulder pork chop boudin. Brisket swine ribeye, beef ribs tail pastrami cow ham bresaola pig drumstick salami. Tri-tip shoulder sausage ribeye. Salami short ribs swine, chicken pork loin strip steak bacon. Spare ribs short ribs shoulder, ground round pork shank corned beef tail strip steak pancetta. Shankle strip steak short loin, pastrami brisket andouille tail boudin shank pig corned beef rump ground round sausage.
When pasted into the editor in DNN6 it becomes:
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pig venison bresaola t-bone ham brisket, meatloaf pork chop bacon swine. Ham chicken beef, hamburger shank pig swine tongue cow. Spare ribs shoulder bacon beef bresaola. Bresaola ground round beef ribs pork loin, beef brisket shankle cow sausage. Pancetta boudin ball tip, pork shank pastrami corned beef venison. Ball tip sirloin pig shoulder ground round, short loin tri-tip boudin turkey strip steak brisket tenderloin pancetta spare ribs pork belly. Jowl tenderloin chuck, jerky sausage pig shank beef tri-tip ham hock.Turkey tri-tip drumstick shankle, corned beef bacon sirloin venison ground round ribeye headcheese shoulder. Headcheese biltong fatback bacon, jerky meatloaf ground round pastrami shoulder pork chop boudin. Brisket swine ribeye, beef ribs tail pastrami cow ham bresaola pig drumstick salami. Tri-tip shoulder sausage ribeye. Salami short ribs swine, chicken pork loin strip steak bacon. Spare ribs short ribs shoulder, ground round pork shank corned beef tail strip steak pancetta. Shankle strip steak short loin, pastrami brisket andouille tail boudin shank pig corned beef rump ground round sausage.