Hello, sorry for the delay I was off on vacation. First off, sorry for the misleading earlier answer, I accidentally posted the wrong sproc - i actually meant the AddSearchItem sproc. However looking at it it passes in the dates rather than generating them via sql, so that looks to be the issue. Looking in the code I can see the following method call
return DataProvider.Instance().AddSearchItem(item.Title, item.Description, item.Author, item.PubDate, item.ModuleId, item.SearchKey, item.GUID, item.ImageFileId);
this shows that the date value is passed as part of the SearchItemInfo object, and if we track further back we find
int indexID = SearchDataStoreController.AddSearchItem(searchItem);
So it looks like there is bad data persisted in the search engine store that later causes this - to check run the following
select * from ald_vw_SearchItems
and check for an entry that does not have a pubdate value. Please post back and let me know if you find one, and if so what module(s) were affected i.e. you can read off the moduleid from that list and use it to get the moduledefinitionid and from that the friendlyname e.g.
select * from ald_modules where moduleid=<id of searchitem with missing pubdate>
select * from ald_moduledefinitions where moduledefid=<id retrieved from previous sql>