Thanks, Pingle and Sebastian.
After carefully studying the situation for 7 months.... No, just kidding! This was on the eternal "nice to do" list.
After hearing the hype about 6.2, I listened to the speech by Shawn Walker and he said "you should be able to do it in one single upgrade". I then thought, "let's try this!".
I was able to upgrade 4.9 to 6.2 in one step with one minor error, about which I posted on the "Upgrading" forum. I just wanted to let you know about my experience since you offered your help before. IT's a good thing if we're past that multiple step upgrade process.
The following is what I posted on the Upgrading Forum, just so you know.
Iván Torres
I have upgraded a local installation of DNN I have for testing. I copied it from an XP machine to a Win 7 Pro running IIS 7.5 and SQLExpress 2008.
I upgraded from 4.9.00 to 6.2.00 and all scripts and updates ran without error, except for error "Installing Package File MailForm_01.00.00_Install". I presume this would be the Form Mailer Module and as a test I added that module successfully to a page and the options and setting pages seem to work Ok.
Since it's MailForm 1.00.00 it seems there is no update from what I had before, which I presume is 1.00.00 too. Is there something else I should check or worry about?
I tried this upgrade in one step after hearing this Shawn Walker fellow in a Keynote speech say you should be able to do it in one single upgrade. :-) The site I have is just HTML modules with a couple of custom ASP form modules. On first attempt I had an error during compiling and it mentioned LINQ, so I presumed it was due to Framework version. The 4.9.0 site ran on v2.0 so I set IIS to v4.0 (I don't have 3.5 on the machine) and fixed some folder permissions that broke on copying from a different machine. I then ran the upgrade successfully
Am I wrong to think that if if a site runs in Framework 3.5 it will run on v4?