Hi Sasa,
I have had same problem and fix them with following steps:
Firstly, I have altered length of DefaultLanguage column in Portals table with script (over Host>SQL menu):
alter table portals alter column defaultlanguage nvarchar(10)
Next, I have created sproc UpdatePortalInfo with different column length:
/* drop */
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[UpdatePortalInfo]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[UpdatePortalInfo]
/* create */
CREATE procedure dbo.UpdatePortalInfo
@PortalId int,
@PortalName nvarchar(128),
@LogoFile nvarchar(50),
@FooterText nvarchar(100),
@ExpiryDate datetime,
@UserRegistration int,
@BannerAdvertising int,
@Currency char(3),
@AdministratorId int,
@HostFee money,
@HostSpace int,
@PaymentProcessor nvarchar(50),
@ProcessorUserId nvarchar(50),
@ProcessorPassword nvarchar(50),
@Description nvarchar(500),
@KeyWords nvarchar(500),
@BackgroundFile nvarchar(50),
@SiteLogHistory int,
@SplashTabId int,
@HomeTabId int,
@LoginTabId int,
@UserTabId int,
@DefaultLanguage nvarchar(10),
@TimeZoneOffset int,
@HomeDirectory varchar(100)
update dbo.Portals
set PortalName = @PortalName,
LogoFile = @LogoFile,
FooterText = @FooterText,
ExpiryDate = @ExpiryDate,
UserRegistration = @UserRegistration,
BannerAdvertising = @BannerAdvertising,
Currency = @Currency,
AdministratorId = @AdministratorId,
HostFee = @HostFee,
HostSpace = @HostSpace,
PaymentProcessor = @PaymentProcessor,
ProcessorUserId = @ProcessorUserId,
ProcessorPassword = @ProcessorPassword,
Description = @Description,
KeyWords = @KeyWords,
BackgroundFile = @BackgroundFile,
SiteLogHistory = @SiteLogHistory,
SplashTabId = @SplashTabId,
HomeTabId = @HomeTabId,
LoginTabId = @LoginTabId,
UserTabId = @UserTabId,
DefaultLanguage = @DefaultLanguage,
TimeZoneOffset = @TimeZoneOffset,
HomeDirectory = @HomeDirectory
where PortalId = @PortalId
Now, language code works fine.