I am trying to display a picture beside member's posts. I am confused between all the avatar options and how they interplay with the photos they upload to their profiles. The way I have it set up isn't working, so maybe I'm not understanding how it is designed to work?
Let me explain what I'm trying to do: Our forum consists of two groups of users - Forum Advisers and Forum Participants. I want the Advisers to be able to post their own avatars and I want the Participants to either choose an avatar from a predetermined group, or assign a standard Role Avatar to display beside their posts (automatically assigned).
To accomplish this I set up a security role for the Advisers. For the Participants, I decided to use the "Registered Users" role - the default role for all who register. So, anyone who registers is by default a Registered User, and the Administrator only has to assign the security role to Advisers (which are fewer in number). I have encountered a couple problems:
1) No avatars are showing. I have the following items checked in the Forum Admin under Avatars: Enable User Avatars and Enable System Avatars. I also have uploaded an avatar for the role Registered Users, but it isn't displaying either. What am I doing wrong???
Can someone explain the difference between all of these Avatars and what the right combination is to get this to work?
Thank you!! I am using the core forum module version 5.0.3 on my DNN 6 site.