Sebastian Leupold wrote:
only if copying the page in default language, other languages will be affected as well - i.e you would get a new page in current language only. According to the master language concept, only editors for the master language are allowed to create pages, translators shouldn't.
thanks for your answer. The "master language" concept is not entirely clear to me: I understand DNN's default language (master language?) affects what you can and cannot do (e.g. copy page), but miss something. If I go to Admin > Languages and click to Edit culture (first edit button, before the three for static resources) I see:
- I can set translators permissions for NON-default language
- I cannot set any permission for the default language (can only set fallback language)
Why aren't we allowed to set permissions for the default language too?
I must say all of my localized sites use ML modules and a single navigation tree, that is I never used DNN's built-in localization capabilities (which force you to have different navigation paths for each language), so maybe my approach is different.
Also, if I'm not missing something, I know any tab has a default language (culture) associated to it into the db, but this is not shown on page settings - is this used only when content localization is enabled?
Thank you,