What we usually do for complex module systems that need to be able to redirect to each other - is set up some global portal settings.
Create a settings.ascx based on ModuleSettingsBase for one of your modules - and wire it up as the settings view for that module.
Add dropdown or just a text field to the settings page - so that you can either just enter a tabid or select from a list of available pages - the page you want to be able to redirect to.
In the UPDATESETTINGS event for ModuleSettingsBase pages all you then need to do to store a setting that can be accessed system wide is something like :
PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(PortalId, "MyModule_SalesTabid", txtSalesTabid.Text);
From in each of your modules you can then access this setting whenever you need it
String salesTabId = PortalController.GetPortalSetting("MyModule_SalesTabid", PortalId, "-1");
Int32 intSalesTabId = Int32.Parse( salesTabId);
Response.Redirect(Globals.NavigateURL(intSalesTabId), true)