I've seen the same errors I'm posting here in various location, but none of the solutions seem to work. Here's what I've got:
My workstation:
Windows XP, WebMatrix: 7.1.1073.1 and all the necesasry software for WebMatrix to run. I can login to the DotNetNuke server on my workstation and make modification, and all works well.
I create the DotNetNuke site with WebMatrix and then I publish it to the Windows Server 2008 R2, runnin MS SQL Server Express (64-bit) Version 10.50.1600.1. (DotNetNuke 6.01.03)
When I connect to DotNetNuk on the 2008 R2 server after publising, I'm directed to the Installation Wizard. The Auto feature is greyed out, so this is the first place that I think my connection to thAle db may be a problem. File Permissions pass all the checks. Under configure Database Connection, I use the following: SQL Server 2005/2008 Database Server: servername\SQLEXPRESS Database: DotNetNuke Integrated security and Run as db Owner are selected.
Connection Error(S):
Index #: 0
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Class: 14
Number: 18456
Message: Sql login failed
I've tried this with the DotNetNuke account and the Administrator account. My Server Authentication is set to Window Authentication Mode.