To use any module you need to install it first.
The module you need to install should have a pa or install in the name of the file to identify that it's not the source code.
You should unzip any module first that you want to use - just to check it is in fact the install file - I like to unzip everything I get just once to see how the developer has packaged it.
Then, you need to log in as host - and go to host/modules - and there will be a little arrow near the title - it says- Upload new module -
Go and map it from your hard drive and then add to the box - click the install button below and that is how you install a module.
I've done a small video on this process which might help you but this is, in essence, how you install a module.
To use it - I suggest you always make a test page first - in case it does not behave like expected, then add the module from the dropdown box where your other modules are. It will appear in that dropdown box once it's installed.
That's just an overview but should help you get started.
Nina Meiers