Hi Ken
I find the DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider file. My goal: 1) translate Brazil to Brasil (very easy, done) 2) add our currency, Real 3) add our states, like California and Florida in USA
I do it: INSERT INTO ... VALUES (364, N'DataType', N'Multi-line Text', ...) INSERT INTO ... VALUES (365, N'Currency', N'BRL', N'Reais Brasileiros (BRL)', ...) INSERT INTO ... VALUES (366, N'Region', N'AC', N'Acre', 29, 1, 0, -1, ...) INSERT INTO ... VALUES (367, N'Region', N'AL', N'Alagoas', 29, 1, 0, -1, ...) INSERT INTO ... VALUES (368, N'Region', N'AP', N'Amapá', 29, 1, 0, -1, ...) INSERT INTO MANY RECORDS! =) INSERT INTO ... VALUES (392, N'Region', N'TO', N'Tocantins', 29, 1, 0, -1, ...) (last state)
27 states e 1 currency added
My fear: I see the "SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF" statments, which means that are fixed initials EntryID (why, DNN TEAM, WHY?! =] ). And if in future the DNN move to using IDs 365 to 392 in your installer?!
What do you recommend? I am in right way, or I must use numbers ID 1000 to forward?
Thanks for your support
Comunidade BrasilDNN
Marcio Maciel, Brasil