Thanks for the responses. I was hoping that one of the many website grabbers would do the trick but they all seem to fail at one point.
I know that the real site will be dynamic - thats why its dnn-based

Worst case my user could start up a grabber, then log in and grab a whole set of screens - which could then be demonstrated as if online.
The specific client is non-technical (in this area) and wants the demo to be as representative as possible - so a flash etc. demo probably won't cut it.
I am probably going to end up installing the whole thing on his laptop (SQL Express + dnn + IIS)

(. The biggest issue I have with this as a solution however is that the client will see this as a deployment option and want to sell it on to his cliens this way - as a desktop app - when it really needs to be a server-based system

The issue is as much one of 'perception' as anything else. Of course I can make it all work locally but I don't really want the client to see the system that way. Might have to propose a half-way solution and install a server on his exhibition stand

As a pure CD demo - Flash etc. is probably the way to go - but the CD isn't really necessary - as we already have a 'demo site'

Anyway I'm rambling - MANY thanks to Nina and Isomies
