I'm building a large government extranet in dnn 6 and was looking for some thoughts and feedback, as we seem to have ventured into uncharted territory based on the discussions I've had with a few module developers.
The site has over 70,00 users and 100,00 security roles configured across a few dozen security groups, synced to AD. Each user is typically in no more then 10 roles.
Ideally i would have liked to avoid this number of roles, but we were forced down that path by the number of teams within the organisation ( over 2000) and the number of roles within each team ( typically about 25-30 per team) each role is unique to that location so you end up with the number of roles times the number of locations by security groups. Additionally users may be in one or many roles across one or many locations so we couldn't add these details as a profile property effectively. Further to this the people in each role change regularly, and there are usually several people in each role at each location.
As you would expect with the number of security roles we have run into some issues with some modules not being able to handle it and needing modifications done. Whilst the core itself has held up fairly well there are a few things that i was hoping someone may be able to give useful advice on.
1) the site is running quite slowly, which I'm assuming has something to do with the number of users. Can anyone suggest any configuration changes/tweaks/improvements that would help speed this up?
2) clicking on the show all roles security group does bad things to the site. Is there a way to disable this?
3) any other suggestions or tips you have relevant to configuring such a large DNN site would be most welcome.