Hi there:
I have a 2 server web farm with Windows 2008 R2 and I uploaded a language pack and configured content localization. Also I configured and translated the pages on my site. But when I'm browsing the web site, the pages are not correctly updated when I change the current language. Sometimes the new language appear on the URL field on the browser, but the page it self didn't change, and sometimes is the opposite, the page change but not the URL.
Also, when I enter on the Host Settings page, the Is Web Farm? checkbox is not checked, always appears as unchecked, like Is Web Farm? = false. I checked the table on the database where the web farm servers are added, and the 2 servers appears on it. The file based cache is enabled too.
I followed one document for web farm setup, but it is for the Professional version of DotNetNuke. Do you have some document or tutorial for the Community edition to correctly enable web farm support and localization??
By the way, by now, we dont need a larger web farm, just two servers, and on 6 months will be four servers. And besides the budget is low, we dont need the professional version, at least now.
Thanks for your help in advance.