Is it possible to make suggestions to the core development team. It seems there are many users who have problems with timezones. This especially becomes a problem for users who host their DNN app's in the US, but whose primary audience are international. The suggestion would be: It should be possible to set the time of the hosting server under the host settings. Then each portal could have it's 'time zone' set under site settings as current. This would give site administrators the ability to choose a default local time. User accounts could then be adjusted to suit individual users.
The current system just doesn't work for anyone using hosting services on the other side of the world (our hosting server is UTC -6:00, but our local timezone is UTC =12:00, an 18 hour difference which can be corrected for users who have logged in, but for anyone else (all local anomonyous users), they view the site time based 18 hours behind!!!
If anyone knows a workaround for this, or something I've missed, it would be really appreciated if you could advise (and of course we can't say the portal timezone is UTC +12 (Localtime) cause then logged in users see wacky times....)
leupold wrote
logged in users get the timezone according to their user settings, logged out users get portal default time zone. Please be aware, that DST (daylight saving time) is not recognized at all.